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Siberia Manufacturing: Promotional Videos for Major Event (In Russian)

The launch of a massive new manufacturing facility in Siberia, by a FTSE 100 company, centred on inviting the State Governor and other local dignitaries to the site. 

To maximise energy and interest at the launch event, and to help connect with the audience, we created a series of videos to show as part of the event. These highlight the company's global operations, using existing footage shot by rhp across the world, with a narration in Russian. The videos have subsequently been used with an English narration as sales tools.

If you would like us to create a high quality, effective video communications for you, for example, as energisers or sales tools, please give us a call on 0208 748 2430, or drop us an email. We would be delighted to help.

The Studio, 310 King Street, London W6 0RR t: +44 (0)20 8748 2430 m: +44 (0)7860 798450 e: info@robharrisproductions.com
creative communications solutions

Rob Harris Productions is a trading style of Rob Harris Productions Ltd. Company No: 5761771 VAT No: 410 9696 47. Registered in England and Wales. Registered office: The Studio, 310 King Street, London W6 0RR