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Grabs EU: Website Design

GRaBS (Green and Blue Space Adaptation for Urban Areas and Eco Towns) has been set up to help EU regions to plan effectively for climate change. 

We designed a new GRaBS website to reflect the project's branding and to attract attention and interest in planning for climate change, with functionality to allow the GRaBS executives to upload documents, and offering a login Members login area. To see the new website, please visit www.grabs-eu.org

If you would like us to design an attractive new website for your organisation, in line with your branding and focus, please give us a call on 0208 748 2430, or drop us an email. We would be delighted to help.

The Studio, 310 King Street, London W6 0RR t: +44 (0)20 8748 2430 m: +44 (0)7860 798450 e: info@robharrisproductions.com
creative communications solutions

Rob Harris Productions is a trading style of Rob Harris Productions Ltd. Company No: 5761771 VAT No: 410 9696 47. Registered in England and Wales. Registered office: The Studio, 310 King Street, London W6 0RR